Welcome to Black Skin Directory!

Black Skin Directory is a groundbreaking platform servicing the skin care needs of women of colour in the UK. As a black woman, we hope that the directory will be a useful space that helps you to address your skin care questions and concerns.

Everything has been designed to take into account the specific needs of skin of colour - from images and our discussion topics to the products and treatments we showcase.  Most importantly, the professional practitioners who make up the directory are all experienced in caring for the daily concerns that people with darker skin tones may experience.

Black Skin Directory is very much in its infancy and we hope to grow it to become the number one destination for people with skin of colour - (so please do share with your friends and family, far and wide!) - whether you are seeking out treatments, a skincare professional, a product review or want to find out whether the latest skincare trend is suitable for your skin, we'll have it all covered and are happy to lead you in the right direction.

We would love to keep in touch with you so please sign up to the BSD INSIDER LIST. You don't want to miss out on our fortnightly bulletins, events and special offers. And we promise....no spam.


Making the most of Black Skin Directory