Managing Mature Skin and Hair

If you didn’t know already and we’re sure that you do – ageing is a fact of life and like the rest of the body, skin and hair will change as we grow and their capacity to renew and regenerate slows down.

Ageing happens chronologically as per our genetic programming and it also happens prematurely as a result of our lifestyles and the environment we live in. Busy stressful lives, smoking, poor sleep, sluggish diets and pollution can all have negative effects, hastening the ageing process

Chronologically, there’s not much we can do about that bar supporting the skin with topical products and in clinic treatments so that the process is as slow and elegant as possible. Premature ageing on the other hand we can do lots to avoid and reduce the impact of the environment on our skin. Whether it’s packing up the cigarettes, being more sun aware, living a more mindful life or upgrading your skincare regime, premature ageing can be greatly minimised.

We spoke to two of our trusty #BSDProfessionals to get their top tips on managing ageing skin and hair.


Invest in Vitamin A

Vitamin A is the gold standard ingredient for boosting and supporting the skin integral functions as well as staving off the premature ageing. As we age, skin tends to experience more dryness and volume due to reduced levels of oestrogen. For most people an over the counter retinol or retinaldehye night time serum is sufficient to boost added hydration in your skin by stimulating hyaluronic acid within the dermis. Importantly, Vitamin A will also give collagen and elastin a helping hand by stimulating the reserves to keep skin plump, bouncy and supple.

Furthermore, this clever ingredient will encourage more efficient cell turnover help fade discolouration and pigmentation which are common signs of aging on black skin.

“My go-to ingredient for mature skin would be Vitamin A. It’s multi-functional, reviving dull and ageing skin by boosting collagen production, stimulating cell turnover and minimising the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. And as it is often paired with Vitamin C or hyaluronic acid for hydration, it makes for an all-round skin saviour for mature skin.””

— Bianca Estelle, bea Skincare

Another issue that affects women of colour as the years advance is the appearance (and/or the increase) of  small, brown or black bumps that look similar to moles called Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra (DPN). The cause is unknown but genes, changing hormone levels and sun exposure are thought to play a part. Whilst DPN is easily treated, options vary and it is well worth consulting with a professional experienced in removing them on black skin to avoid any scarring that may occur.


Less is More

With the BAME community we tend to hold a luscious head of hair as a sign of beauty but for so many women of colour, hair density can be a source of frustration not only as we mature but during periods of hormonal upheaval like pregnancy and menopause.

Black women are particularly prone to hair loss due to factors such as chronological ageing and hair styling practices over the years. This can negatively affect scalp health and lead to thinning due to fewer active hair follicles and loss of elasticity.

Keeping the scalp clean, hydrated and moisturised with lightweight hair products and regular scalp massage can improve fresh blood flow with oxygen and nutrients to the scalp to stimulate hair follicles. Thinning hair can be bothersome, so it’s always a good idea to see professional advice from a Trichologist experienced in Afro hair.

“Hair density tends to drop with age, therefore mature hair will put up with less of the styling than it used to. Opt for gentler styles, with less fuss, especially when it comes to colouring and heat styling the hair and embrace your nature colour and texture to keep hair healthy.”

— Eleanore Richardson, Fulham Scalp and Hair Clinic


When's the last time you saw black skin in a UK suncare ad?


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